Increase Your Google Adsense Revenue With This Trick

Hey guys,welcome to another affordable great blog post. Here in this post You will learn how to block low CPC ads company in GOOGLE ADSENSE and increase Your GOOGLE Adsense revenue. I know strongly many bloggers have been some how fustrated on the types of revenue their blog or web site are generating which is very low. Its one of the weak point that make some well responsive bloggers loosing their trust to GOOGLE ADSENSE because of the revenue their blo or web site are generating. The fact is that a blogger will spent the whole of His/Her night composing an articles,after post,getting some views and clicked which at least He will be expecting smiling incomes from the views and clicks.
        At the end while checking today sofar(google adsense dashboard) He looks fustrated and fedup,these are one of the major reasons some Google Adsens publisher are runing from GOOGLE these days. The question now is that,is the fault from GOOGLE or the PUBLISHER? the anwser to that question is,nobody is at fault. Yes! many publishers today that use GOOGLE adsense,the known of this blog post(how to block low ads sites in google adsense) is out of their reached. If You are view this blog post today,You will grab the knowlede and perform You duty as a publisher(s). The good news is that,its not stressful again to be looking for the low cpc ads site,We have prepared all the low cpc sites all You have to do is to copy all the sites from the provided link below,but I advice You to download it from my drive link below provided there and save them for future use or You can even letting a friend of Yours to be known of this.
          With these fews steps You can do it alone not by asking or hiring person to do this for You. below are the few steps You need to take which are as followed:

STEP:1>>  Download or copy all the low CPC ads sites. NOTE: CPC is refer to as COST PER CLICK which indicated that when ever a visitor find an intresting ads in Your web site or blog and clicked it,It will generate a revenue which is equivalent to the site cost CPC. The sites listed in the link their CPC is $0.5 per click downward while the unlist sites are from $3.0,$5.0 and $10.0 and above.
Download here with this link

STEP:2>>  Goto Your adsense dashboard,nevigate to the option drope down and click ALLOW OR BLOCK ADS. There You will find an input to paste all the low CPC sites You have downloaded or copied from the link.


STEP:3>>  Paste all the sites You copied from the link or downloaded from the link on the BLOCK TAB. Waite for a while for the page  to propagates and show You results.


Thats all, keeps smiling for You have sucessfully blocked  all the low cpc sites that did not allown You to earn big from ADSENSE.
You will be shown exactly with this screenshot below.

Please if found useful or having errors while doing this,please states Your comment below.

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